Welcome to the home of the ADRC Data Explorer and AAGDP Data Explorer

ADRC Data Explorer

The ADRC Data Explorer is a project of the Arizona Alzheimer's Consortium (AAC). The Arizona Alzheimer's Consortium is the nation's leading model of statewide collaboration in Alzheimer's disease research. Established in 1998, the Consortium capitalizes on its participating institutions' complementary strengths in brain imaging computer science, genomics, the basic and cognitive neurosciences and clinical and neuropathology research to promote the scientific understanding and early detection of Alzheimer's disease and find effective disease-stopping and prevention therapies. It also seeks to educate Arizona residents about Alzheimer's disease, research progress in the state and the resources needed to help patients, families and professionals manage the disease. The Consortium is determined to find effective treatments to halt the progression and prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease in the next 12 years.

APOE Data Discovery Tool

The Data Discovery Tool for the Arizona APOE4 Gene Dose Program provides a longitudinal cohort of research participants and data with two, one and no copies of the APOE4 gene, reflecting three levels of genetic risk for AD, including a sub-set of subjects with extensive brain imaging and other biomarker data.

This program has made pioneering contributions to the conceptualization of “preclinical AD,” established a foundation for the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative (API) and the accelerated evaluation of prevention therapies, and includes an invaluable resource of data and samples to help researchers detect and track the earliest biomarker and cognitive changes associated with AD, contribute to the understanding of genetic and non-genetic risk factors, develop data analysis techniques with improved power to detect and track AD and evaluate promising but unproven AD prevention therapies.

Requests for data from this program can be made through the APOE Data Discovery Tool.

An account is required to access the Data Discovery tools. If you need an account, please contact Ricardo Amador: ricardo dot amador AT bannerhealth dot com.